Ask your doctor if this medicine is right for you: Tips from a psychiatrist

Ask your doctor if you are a good candidate for this medication. That commercial adage has been repeated many times. Have you ever heard that phrase and thought, “That sounds just right for me!” These are some ways to talk to your doctor about medication.

Ask questions. We want to hear your thoughts. Do you worry about side effects? Are you concerned that you may have to continue taking your medication for the rest? Are you feeling like your medications aren’t working as well as they should? We want to make sure you are informed about the things you put into your body and hear all your concerns.

Do not believe in the stigma. People worry that taking Psychiatrist Houston medication makes them “weak” and “crazy”. Think about it this way: Does taking a heart medication make you weak? Are insulin-dependent diabetics “crazy?” Your brain is an organ and your health is crucial. Sometimes, the chemistry needs to be re-balanced. This has nothing to do either with strength or weakness, or even your character. It is important to take care of yourself and your health.

Every brain is unique. Our individual genes and personal experiences play a significant role in the structure of our brains and the connectivity of the neurons. There are no two lives exactly the same, and there is no one brain that is the same. This is due to the way that our neurons communicate with each other and how they are laid out. You should be aware that different medications may cause you to respond differently than a sibling, spouse or friend. You may respond differently to the same medication in the same class. Talk to your doctor if you don’t like the results. There are likely to be other options.

Be aware that there are risks. Even though we would like to believe these medications do what they claim, the fact is that any medication you put into your body will have an effect on your entire body. This can sometimes mean that other organs are affected. Some medications can cause abnormal movements or worsen blood sugar and blood pressure. Although most side effects are minor and temporary, they can lead to serious complications if not properly monitored. Discuss your concerns with your doctor and work together to identify the signs and symptoms.

Medicines are not magic, they’re a tool. There are many times when I have thought, “I wish there was a pill for that!” The therapeutic puzzle is not complete without medicines. By making healthy lifestyle choices, you can play your part in making the world a better place. Therapy is often a powerful adjunct that helps to improve your understanding and skill set.

It is important to be able and willing to work with your doctor in managing your mental health. You should be open and honest with your doctor and ensure that you are working with someone you trust Anxiety Doctors Houston.