Anxiety Doctors Houston TX

The downside of drug treatment for anxiety

It’s difficult to get along with your colleagues at work. You are overwhelmed by the mounting bills. Your children are in danger. These are just a few of the many stresses we all face. People just try to keep going in the hope of things improving. But, this mindset can lead to anxiety disorders later on and depression. It’s too much. It’s too much. We finally arrived at the doctor’s office, having admitted that we were ‘not right’.

You will likely be asked questions by your doctor such as how you sleep, what is your appetite, do you smoke/drink more than you usually, and are you trying to avoid certain situations? He will ask you questions such as how you sleep, what you do when you wake up, and if you have ever had a panic attack. If he is able to diagnose an Anxiety Doctors Houston TX, SSRI medications will be his first option. Antidepressant medication known as anti-anxiety medications are now available in the form of selective serotonin receptor inhibitors.

They are the best choice for anxiety problems because they have fewer side effects that the tricyclic antidepressants. If you’re lucky, your doctor will warn that you may experience some anxiety increase during the first few weeks. This is often not something that patients are told. This is why some patients stop taking the drug after the first two weeks. They did not want to be made worse.

These medications are not meant to cure. The doctor might have said …’ these medications should make you feel much better over time. These words are attractive, and patients often leave surgery with high expectations.

SSRI medicines can be very effective. You will notice a difference in your mood and anxiety within a few weeks. People may take longer to adapt to the medication. Sometimes the dose must be increased one or two times to achieve the desired effect. Side effects include dry skin, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, weight gain, and decreased sexual libido. If side effects are severe or the effect is not as desired, your doctor might switch you to another SSRI. An anxious patient may be prescribed benzodiazepines (tranquilisers), which can lead to addiction. However, this is not as common as it once was. Although a short course can help, weaning off these drugs can be difficult.

So! Now, a year and a half later, the doctor has decided that it is time to stop taking SSRIs. You feel better, so that’s okay. Without the support of your doctor, withdrawal can be a little tricky. You may feel anxious if you try to withdraw too fast. If you do it right, withdrawal should be easy. This is the time to tell. The old symptoms often return once SSRIs are stopped. Once again, the underlying anxiety rears its ugly head. Let’s examine why.

Johnny is having a hard time. He was left by his wife. He is heartbroken. He doesn’t have a job that is well-paid and suddenly has mounting debts. He misses his family and has moved far away. It is difficult to afford the trip. After many nights of worry and sleeplessness, he experiences a panic attack. It scares him enough that he falls apart. He finds his job increasingly difficult and ends up in the doctor’s office. He is then given SSRIs. After a year, things improve. Within two months, he begins to experience panic attacks again after he has been off the ADHD Psychiatrist Houston.